The AR-LA Conservation Delivery Network (CDN) worked constantly from August through November 2020 to plan, prepare, and submit a substantial Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) proposal. The submission was completed just before Thanksgiving through the American Bird Conservancy. We provide the Executive Summary here.
Read MoreAn internship is available to develop a Louisiana Waterthrush habitat suitability model for the LMVJV.Qualified graduate students are encouraged to apply before 15 January.Begins Spring/Summer 2021.
Read MoreWith less than a year before his scheduled retirement, Mike Harris, an Arkansas Game and Fish Commission senior technician at Sulphur River Wildlife Management Area, completed a quest that’s been a decade in the making — documenting the first pair of swallow-tailed kites to successfully raise young in Arkansas since 1890. With the help of a live photo from an iPhone, showing adult kites feeding a fledgling, the Arkansas Audubon Society Bird Records Committee confirmed his finding in August.
With less than a year before his scheduled retirement, Mike Harris, an Arkansas Game and Fish Commission senior technician at Sulphur River Wildlife Management Area, completed a quest that’s been a decade in the making — documenting the first pair of swallow-tailed kites to successfully raise young in Arkansas since 1890. With the help of a live photo from an iPhone, showing adult kites feeding a fledgling, the Arkansas Audubon Society Bird Records Committee confirmed his finding in August.
Read MoreThe Northeast Texas Conservation Delivery Network’s (NETX CDN) Habitat Incentive Program (“program”) provides financial incentives to private landowners for conducting habitat treatments that address the greatest conservation concerns in East Texas for priority birds on private property.
Read MoreThe Arkansas Waterfowl Rice Incentive Conservation Enhancement (WRICE) has recently been expanded to allow weekend permitted public waterfowl hunting opportunities on participating rice fields.
Read MoreLMVJV partners assessed the conservation–protection status of land within the Mississippi Alluvial Valley because without protection, existing forests are subject to conversion to other uses. We found that only 10% of total land area was currently protected, although 28% of extant forest was in the current conservation estate.
Read MoreOklahoma Dept. of Wildlife Conservation biologist Mark Howery was recently honored by Oklahoma Biological Survey staff with their announcement of a newly recognized dragonfly subspecies, the Howery’s clubtail.
Read MoreSince 2014, the Texas Longleaf Implementation Team (TLIT) has supported the restoration of longleaf pine on over 5,000 acres and enhanced and maintained another 25,000 acres. The question is, are TLIT conservation efforts paying dividends for priority bird species?
Read MoreKeith McKnight, LMVJV Coordinator, recognizes LMVJV Conservation Delivery Networks (CDNs) for facilitating effective exchange of information among delivery staff (e.g., professionals on-the-ground) and planners, and facilitating excellent collaboration among our partners.
Read MoreIn the Fall of 2019, the LA/MS MAV Conservation Delivery Network hosted its Turn-row Credibility Workshop II in Vicksburg, MS.
Read MoreDucks Unlimited’s conservation easement program is approaching an important milestone for land protection in the MAV, with nearly 200,000 acres protected under easements.
Read MoreThe LMVJV completed its Breeding Bird Forest Protection Model in 2019, with findings from the model published in the December 2019 article Conservation–Protection of Forests for Wildlife in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley.
Read MoreTLIT Working Groups hit the ground running following their February 2020 meeting.
Read MoreThe Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture has endorsed a NAWCA application for the acquisition of the Sky Lake Property.
Read MorePartners in Flight is celebrating its 30th anniversary, and there is much to celebrate.
Read MoreFrom easement protection of Trinity River bottom land in NE Texas, to emergent wetland restoration in the heart of the MAV, to reforestation across the JV region, NAWCA continues to be an important catalyst for wetland conservation and partnerships in the LMVJV. The impact of NAWCA in facilitating partnership and fueling important wetland conservation in the LMVJV cannot be overstated.
Read MoreThe Arkansas MAV Conservation Delivery Network (CDN) hosted a webinar in spring 2019 for its members and other interested partners.
Read MoreBill Bartush, retired USFS, Ducks Unlimited, and USFWS employee was hired by American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and began full-time work on 2 January 2019 as our West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas Partnership Coordinator.