Prothonotary Warbler, a priority landbird species in the MAV.

Prothonotary Warbler, a priority landbird species in the MAV.

MAV Reforestation Decision Support for Breeding Birds

Forest Restoration Priorities

Map of MAV Forest Breeding Bird Reforestation & Protection Priorities (pdf, 4MB)

MAV Forest Breeding Bird Reforestation Priorities - Interactive Map (Once on the Conservation Layers Site, click the layers button at top right, then “Decision Models-Tools”, and check the box for “JV Forest Breeding Bird Reforestation”)

NEW - Virtual Reforestation Analysis Supports FBBDSM - Strategic Reforestation Document - NEW

MAV Forest Breeding Bird Reforestation Priorities - 2015 Update documentation

MAV Forest Breeding Bird Reforestation Priorities - GIS Files (*.zip; 8MB)

MAV Forest Breeding Bird Reforestation Priorities - Original Twedt et al. (2006) document

Go to MAV Forest Protection Model

Go to Forest Breeding Bird Conservation Plans

Go to Desired Forest Conditions Report

Bird photos courtesy of Bill Stripling