Waterbird Conservation
“Waterbirds” consist of numerous taxa of birds associated with a variety of wetland habitats. LMVJV partners are collectively focusing on two broad groups: Secretive Marsh Birds (e.g., rails, bitterns, gallinules) and Wading Birds (e.g., herons, egrets, ibis). Work to develop population and habitat objectives for Little Blue Heron, and to improve our understanding of King Rail are ongoing…stay tuned!
LMVJV Secretive Marsh Bird Objectives
Breeding population and habitat objectives for six priority species of secretive marsh birds were established in the fall of 2023.
Southeastern U.S. Regional Waterbird Conservation Plan
Historical LMVJV Waterbird planning consisted of MAV-relevant portions of the Southeastern U.S. Regional Waterbird Conservation Plan.
North American Waterbird Conservation Plan
See more information about Waterbird Conservation for the Americas, and the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan.