The AR-LA Conservation Delivery Network Open Pine Landscape Restoration Partnership
Shortleaf Pine
The AR-LA Conservation Delivery Network Open Pine Landscape Restoration Partnership is a Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) approved for 5 years of funding (2022-2027) in 8 counties of Arkansas and 8 parishes of Louisiana. The RCPP’s landscape restoration goal is to greatly improve forest health for wildlife resources in the West Gulf Coastal Plain on at least 30,000 acres. Maps below show the project boundaries and high priority areas.
Implementation results from years 1 and 2 (2021-2022):
In late 2021, the initial NRCS project agreement was executed. In year #2 (2022), NRCS Financial Assistance of $596,225 was awarded through contracts, with plans to restore or enhance 2,456 acres of open pine habitat (8% of our target) through 15 Arkansas and Louisiana landowner projects. In 2022, total partner contributions of $4,344,590 and 28,053 acres far exceeded expectations; when including Year #1 contributions (13,584 acres and $1,723,841), the project has almost met its 5-year obligation for both financial and habitat contributions.
More than 32 partner meetings and communications resulted in 636 landowner/producer contacts in 2022. This outreach resulted in a substantial number (10-12%) of first-time landowners, who were encouraged to participate in the Open Pine RCPP.
First-time and/or underserved landowner (HU) contacts comprised approximately 25% of applicants in both states. In 2022, this resulted in 47% HU contracts (almost half), which is considered exceptional. Some of the highest-ranked projects contracted had the smallest acreage, and most of the HU applicants were awarded contracts.
Download the updated FY25 (2024-2025) KMZ files for RCPP priority areas below.
Below catalogs the information and primary outreach products developed for this RCPP by its 20+ partners.
Updated NRCS Factsheet (2024)
NRCS factsheet (2022)
NRCS RCPP website, nationwide background
AR-LA Open Pine RCPP News
AR-LA Open Pine RCPP Summaries
2022 NRCS Annual Report for the AR-LA Open Pine RCPP
June 2021 AR-LA CDN - RCPP Future & Timeline
AR-LA Open Pine 2024 Sign-up Period
View or download the 2024 Open Pine RCPP factsheet
Stay tuned for a summary from the 2023 signup period.
Open Pine Management and Restoration Outreach
Bird-friendly Working Forests Factsheet - Access versions of the factsheet with Austin Klais contact information, with blank space for biologist contacts to be added, with high resolution for printing or low resolution for web.
For assistance reaching out to your local biologist, please reach out to Austin Klais at (501) 425-1985 or