Brochures & Summaries

The following documents provide succinct summaries on various aspects of the Joint Venture as well as the JV’s most important work products.


Forest Conservation Partnerships 2-Pager

View or download a quick summary of forest conservation partnerships in the WGCP & MAV.


National Joint Venture Factsheet

View or download the summary of the shared vision, migratory bird joint ventures, cost-effective conservation, and a map of the JVs across North America.


Gaining Ground for Wildlife in The Delta

Read the story of how LMVJV partners are making great strides in forest conservation in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Click the image to the left for the whole story.

LMVJV Guiding Principles

This 1-page document describes the vision, mission, and purpose of the LMVJV as well as its biological, operational, and geographical scope. Click the image to download the document.


Joint Venture Basics

When you “boil it all down,” these are the functions of a joint venture.


Why Birds Matter

A factsheet developed by the North American Bird Conservation Initiative


JV Matrix

Desired characteristics for habitat joint venture partnerships