Desired Forest Conditions for Wildlife in Bottomland Forests  of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley and West Gulf Coastal Plain

Forest-dependent wildlife species within the MAV and WGCP rely on habitat characteristics associated with extensive forest area, high forest connectivity, and increased forest disturbance. 

The landscape composition objectives recommended by the LMVJV are intended to facilitate management decisions underpinning DFCW. At the landscape level, wildlife populations benefit most when the Desired Landscape Conditions are sustained over time. These conditions are achieved by providing portions of habitat within the desired condition, portions that have recently been disturbed and should grow into the desired condition, as well as areas that have grown out of desired condition and warrant treatment. The remaining landscape should consist of protected forest, regenerating forest, and shrub-scrub habitat.

Desired Stand Structure for wildlife is influenced by a multitude of variables, some of which can be addressed and improved through management actions while others are inherent to the stand.  The range of recommended Desired Stand Structure factors are broad enough to accommodate various management objectives, while maintaining sufficient rigor to guide decisions beneficial to priority wildlife species.  The three primary and six secondary factors reflect a combination of published reports and the collective knowledge of experienced managers, thereby representing realistic, achievable, and sustainable forest conditions.

There is no single DFCW management prescription suitable for all stands.  Thus, various silvicultural treatments and multiple entries may be necessary to manage any given stand towards Desired Stand Structure.

2024 Revision Document Available in Early 2025

View or download the Original (2007) DFCW Report

Full Desired Forest Conditions for Wildlife Report 2007

Introduction & Executive Summary [Part I & II]

Priority Species and Habitat Objectives [Part III]

Forest Management [Part IV]

Bottomland Hardwood Restoration [Part V]

Evaluation & Monitoring [Part VI]

Recommendations [Part VII]


Download Summary Document [here]

For more information on the FRCWG, visit the Forest Resource Conservation Working Group page.