Texas Longleaf Team
Longleaf seedling photo by John S. Quarterman
The Texas Longleaf Team (TLT, formerly the Texas Longleaf Implementation Team) is a group of individuals, organizations and agencies that share a passion for the longleaf pine. Together, they work to restore longleaf pine ecosystems on private and public forestlands in the state of Texas.
Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), historically was the predominant forest type in much of the southeastern U.S., having once covered 92 million acres. In east Texas, the state’s remaining acres of longleaf support lush grasses and wildflowers when well managed. Turkey, quail, migratory and resident songbirds, and other wildlife use the forest as habitat. Both the beauty and wildlife of longleaf forests make them important sources of recreation, as well as income for private forest landowners.
Over the past two centuries, the longleaf pine ecosystem has declined to 3.4 million acres. With fire suppression and conversion of native pine forest, many of the bird species dependent upon this habitat have markedly declined. Therefore, conservation of open pine habitat is a high priority action for the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture partnership, and we celebrate recent longleaf restoration successes while continuing to work toward an even brighter future.
Texas Longleaf Team
The LMVJV participates as a partner in the site-based Longleaf Pine implementation teams inspired and informed by America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative, which has developed partnerships such as the TLT that strive to create viable Longleaf Pine ecosystems with the full spectrum of ecological, economic, and social values.
Texas - Texas Longleaf Team
Texas Longleaf Conservation Planning
PDF: East Texas Longleaf Prioritization Model
Zip: Texas Longleaf Implementation Team Longleaf Prioritization Model (~14 MB)
Learn more about the other longleaf partnership in our geography, the West-Central Louisiana Ecosystem Conservation Partnership.