The blue area above shows the Northeast Texas CDN area. The dark blue is within the bounds of the LMVJV and the light blue is within the bounds of the Oaks & Prairies JV.
Northeast Texas Conservation Delivery Network
Recent Meetings and Business Actions
June 2023 NETX CDN Steering Committee Meeting
Membership Meetings
CDN Establishment & Membership
The Northeast Texas (NETX) Conservation Delivery Network was the first CDN established by the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture in the West Gulf Coastal Plain region. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department has provided critical energy, support, and leadership in the development of this network, including provision of the first two CDN Chairs. The CDN operates under a chair, vice-chair, project administrator, and CDN coordinator.
The CDN Steering Committee is composed of representatives from
Boggy Slough Conservation Area
Caddo Lake Institute
National Wild Turkey Federation
Texas A&M Forest Service
Texas Longleaf Team
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
The Nature Conservancy
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
The following reflect some important actions and activities undertaken by the CDN.
Operations & Governance
NETX CDN General Operating Guidelines (2023 Revision)
CDN Landscape Level Planning
PDF: Delivery Prioritization Tool Map
Zip: Delivery Priority Tool Shapefile (~150kb)
PDF: NETX CDN Project and Working Groups
CDN Habitat Incentive Program
Applied SHC in the NETX CDN
CDN Activities
Texas A&M Prescribed Burning Cost Share Grants, McCrady
River Access & Conservation Areas Program Updates
June 2023 NETX CDN Steering Committee Meeting Summary
March 2023 NETX CDN Steering Committee Meeting Summary
For more information contact:
Bill Bartush, Partnership Coordinator
Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture
Annie Farrell, AWB®, Project Administrator
District Biologist (TX, OK, KS, & NE)
National Wild Turkey Federation
770 Augusta Rd, Edgefield, SC 29824
903.539.0279 cell