Have you seen these birds?
The USGS Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit has been banding* adult and juvenile Tricolored Herons and White Ibis on their breeding colonies in Mobile Bay, Alabama in 2021. They would like to learn more about their wintering areas and migration routes. Many of these birds are spending time in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida. These two species also happen to be important within the LMVJV as well. White Ibis is a bird in Need of Management Attention, and Tricolored Heron also is a priority, designated as Long-term Planning and Responsibility (see LMVJV Waterbird Priorities).
Please be on the lookout for Banded Tricolored Herron and White Ibis!
If you have a sighting, please send as much detail as possible (species, band color and code, date, time, location, flock size/composition) to: abbypowell@ufl.edu
Color bands are blue or red, with white lettering. The lettering should include a letter followed by two digits (see photos above).
Photographs are also welcomed!
* all banding is conducted under the appropriate federal and state permits