Red above shows the boundary of the LA-MS MAV CDN within the Joint Venture.
Louisiana-Mississippi MAV Conservation Delivery Network
The Louisiana-Mississippi Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV) CDN was formally initiated in June 2012 with its first full membership meeting held in Vicksburg, MS. The LA-MS MAV CDN is somewhat unique in that it was the first effort by the LMVJV partnership to establish a bi-state CDN (see map). Similar to the establishment of the Arkansas MAV CDN, state wildlife agencies in LA and MS—the LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries and MS Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks—accepted responsibility for initiating its creation and supported that decision by appointing the CDN Chair and Vice-Chair respectively, from within each agency's staff. In addition, LMVJV partner organizations, including the LA and MS USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Conservation Fund, Ducks Unlimited, Black Bear Conservation Coalition, Audubon, Delta Wildlife, Wildlife Mississippi, LA Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry, and the MS Forestry Commission agreed to support the establishment of the new Network.
Recent Events
Membership Meetings
2019 Turnrow Credibility Workshop
CDN Establishment and Governance:
Louisiana-Mississippi MAV CDN Operating Guidelines 2012
Louisiana-Mississippi MAV CDN Geographic Area Map
The new CDN began with 80 participants. Today the Network has well over 150 participants. Similar to its sister CDN in Arkansas, the Network has participated in or supported numerous conservation priorities in its region. Its bi-annual meetings have become an important source for the diverse array of participants to effectively network, share information on priority activities, collaborate and learn about relevant research, and focus on-the-ground conservation opportunities and actions.
Developing an Approach to Landscape Level Delivery Planning:
The following documents describe the delivery planning process used by the LA-MS MAV CDN to define a strategy for identifying and addressing delivery priorities in the Network area. The current Delivery Planning Tool (2019), originally developed in 2013, now depicts priorities for both restoration and protection.
LA-MS MAV CDN - 2019 Approach to Prioritizing Restoration & Protection
Delivery Priority Tool Shapefiles
View the Priority Tool & Download the data HERE
Strategic Conservation Delivery Project Planning
The CDN’s near-term project needs and priorities are relatively fluid. For more information regarding opportunities to partner, or to get more information, contact :
Keith McKnight, LMVJV Coordinator
LA-MS MAV CDN Delivery Priority Map
The following LMVJV partner organizations and other conservation partners in the region participate in the Network:
Wildlife Mississippi MS Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks
U.S. Forest Service LA Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service LA USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Trust for Tomorrow LA Farm Service Agency
The Nature Conservancy LA Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry
Quail Forever LA Cooperative Extension Service
National Wild Turkey Federation Farm Bureau
MS USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Ducks Unlimited
MS Forestry Commission Delta Wildlife
MS Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce Audubon