Green above shows the boundary of the AR MAV CDN within the Joint Venture.
Arkansas MAV Conservation Delivery Network
The Arkansas Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV) CDN represents the very first effort of the LMVJV partnership toward establishing unique, regionally based Conservation Delivery Networks. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) accepted initial responsibility for establishing the new Network and appointed the first CDN Chair from among its staff. Key JV partner organizations also agreed to support initial establishment of the new forum including the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service and Ducks Unlimited. The Network met formally for the first time in January 2011, hosting its first membership meeting in Brinkley, AR. Since its establishment, the diversity of regional partner organizations participating in the Network has grown significantly and now includes:
AR Forestry Commission, AR Game & Fish Commission, AR Natural Heritage Commission, AR Natural Resources Commission, Audubon, Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, The Nature Conservancy, University of Arkansas, Monticello, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, & Quail Forever
Since its initial establishment, the AR MAV CDN has enjoyed significant growth and success. Beginning with 30+ participants in 2011, today the Network has more than 100 delivery professionals from the AR MAV region. In addition, the Network has participated in or supported numerous conservation priorities in the region. Its bi-annual meetings have become an important source for the diverse array of participants to effectively network, share information on priority activities, collaborate and learn about relevant research, and help focus on-the-ground conservation opportunities and actions.
Membership Meetings
Developing an Approach to Landscape Level Delivery Planning
The documents and associated data represent a revision of the AR MAV CDN's originally developed (2011) version of the Delivery Planning Tool. This more current version was completed and formally approved June 2017.
2017 AR MAV CDN Delivery Priority Tool Summary (pdf)
Delivery Priority Tool Protection Map (pdf)
Delivery Priority Tool Restoration Map (pdf)
Delivery Priority Tool Protection & Restoration Maps (pdf)
Delivery Priority Tool Protection & Restoration Maps Overlaid with Conservation Estate (pdf)
Delivery Priority Tool Protection Shapefiles (auto download)
Delivery Priority Tool Restoration Shapefiles (auto download)
View the Delivery Priority Tool & Download the data HERE
Strategic Conservation Delivery Project Planning
Following the development of its landscape level delivery prioritization tool, the CDN turned its focus to identifying and organizing priority project needs and opportunities within the CDN region. The resulting list of projects fosters opportunities for CDN member collaboration and can also benefit partner planning when responding to various funding opportunities. The most current version of the CDN’s project list can be obtained by contacting the MAV Partnership Coordinator (below).