Landowner Assistance Opportunities

David Daigle, private landowner, standing in his longleaf pine stand in Louisiana.

David Daigle, private landowner, standing in his longleaf pine stand in Louisiana.

Numerous technical and financial assistance opportunities are available to private landowners in the LMVJV region.  Some of the most relevant of these are detailed below.


Conservation Programs Available to Private Landowners

Links below are listed as state & regional or federal programs. All federal programs, to the extent possible, link to state-specific resources for each federal program (an exception is Feral Swine Control).  For example, each state has a “Partners for Fish & Wildlife” (PFW) link, but each will be connected to that state’s PFW information or website.

There is one federal program, the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), which encourages private lands partners but is not limited to private lands conservation. This program has been funded for more than 30 years and is a core source of support for wetlands restoration in the MAV. Since 1991, NAWCA Standard Grants have funded more than 111 projects resulting in over 648,000 acres of wetland habitat conservation in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley.




Arkansas Game & Fish Commission (AGFC) Private Lands Program





