Prescribed Fire Resources for Landowners

by Arkansas Department of Agriculture Forestry Division



“Ask a forester” video: what is a prescribed burn – Texas A&M Forest Service

Specific management uses of prescribed fire video series – Texas A&M Agrilife Extension

The business of burning video – Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept.

Prescribed Burn Associations in TX

Prescribed Burn Associations (PBAs) in Texas – Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept.

Prescribed Burn Alliance of Texas

Prescribed Burn Alliance of Texas, education & training

How to plan and implement prescribed burns

What is a prescribed burn and how to plan in 3 steps. Please consider the following precautions-guidelines to help make sure your burn goes to plan. - Texas A&M Forest Service

Elements of a Prescribed Burn Plan, with links to further instruction. Prescribed Burn Plans are documents utilized by individuals conducting a prescribed burn to outline the proposed plan of action. - Texas A&M Forest Service

Prescribed Burn Toolbox, with detailed links concerning fire, weather, fuels, mapping, smoke modeling, etc. - Texas A&M Forest Service

Prescribed Burn Program, helpful links for landowners. Prescribed burning is a management tool widely used by foresters, parks departments, range and wildlife managers, ranchers and other landowners to manage excessive natural fuels under very specific and safe conditions. - Texas Department of Agriculture

Texas Prescribed Burn Handbook covers laws, regulations, terms, etc. – Texas A&M Agrilife Extension

Prescribed Burning Communication Kit, for outreach to local communities about prescribed burns – Texas A&M Agrilife Extension